Application Guidelines and Instructions
• Before applying, please read the 
Guidelines and Instructions for the 2025-2026 Fellowship cycle on our website.
 • Questions? Check the FAQ guide here.

 Basic Eligibility Requirements
 • Applicants using this site must be American citizens, American citizens temporarily residing abroad, or permanent residents of the United States. 
 •  Applicants residing in the United States who are neither U.S. citizens nor permanent residents should submit their applications to the Foundation’s Tokyo Headquarters using a different form.

Categories and Duration of Fellowship
 The minimum and maximum durations for the Fellowship are indicated in parentheses. The duration of the Fellowship may be adjusted by the Foundation, and will be as stated in the grant letter*.

Scholars and Researchers (Long-Term) (4-12 months): Scholars and researchers in the humanities or social sciences. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent professional experience at the time of application.

Scholars and Researchers (Short-Term) (21-89 days): Scholars and researchers in the humanities or social sciences who need to conduct intensive research in Japan. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent professional experience at the time of application.

Doctoral Candidates (4-12 months): Doctoral candidates in the humanities or social sciences. Applicants must have achieved ABD status by the time the Fellowship begins.

* Please note that for awardees in the Research (Long-Term) and Doctoral Fellowship categories, there is a possibility that the Fellowship duration may be adjusted to a whole-month unit.

Specialists and/or professional practitioners of Japanese art who wish to conduct short-term research in Japan should apply to the Ishibashi Foundation/The Japan Foundation Fellowship for Research on Japanese Art

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